Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Poetry Archiving Part 4

A little more recent, free-styled it and didn't edit it, probably should have but here it is.

"Little Brother" by Ethan M.

Little brother, where have you gone?
To the recesses of my mind, to fill the void
that I created by myself
Does this mean we can not be,
best friends, through all of it?
Such a shame.

Little brother there is so much yet we haven’t done
I need the chance to give advice
And you need the chance to heed me
And we could laugh together like we did that one time.

When I watch from afar I can see the joy
And it brings me happiness I can’t quite recall
I will give you anything, everything in exchange for your
Just us little brother, away from their fights

And little brother another thing I’d like you to know
That when I’m mean to you it’s just me trying to be cool
And I’m scared for you and frightened you see,
Because I know that one day you won’t need me

Plus I’m dying to know who is picking on you
I may not be a fighter but I’d get bruised up for you
Then we can jump in my car and go for a cruise
Blasting our music and wasting my fuel

We can go out to eat and you can tell me all about your life
And for just that time I’ll feel important again
Because this cavity needs filled and you’re just like a dentist
Little brother it’s a lot to ask but please could you mend it?

I remember that time when you tripped and you fell
Little brother please, help me to end this hell
Just show me that smile and let me know you’re alright
Strangely enough that should help me get through the night

One more time I’ll search and I’ll desperately plead.
Little brother, where did you go?
I can only hope that you didn’t go home.

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