Thursday, July 9, 2009

Poetry Archiving Part 3

Again a poem from late 2008

"Soon I'll Apologize" by Ethan M.

Isn’t that reality?
She’s such a cold-hearted bitch
Can I continue to ignore her and the truth she has left?

While I whine at the table you run about
And I cannot help but visualize my world without-

That’s her again, and I must realize
Things can’t just change in a night
And perhaps I’m the one who needs to change

I need to appreciate all I have gained
While I criticize others for their vanity
I hypocritically look in the mirror and see

A life without you, without them
Without me, I’m elsewhere, in the middle
And I’m finally happy

It is twisted and wrong to want what I need
Maybe in a year I could potentially change
I’ll see you for what you are

Perhaps I’ll accept it too
In the meanwhile it is easier for me
to complain about you

They are ignorant
I am jealous
You are innocent
I know who is truly at fault

But scapegoats are far to easy to come by

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