Thursday, July 2, 2009

Poetry Archiving

Older piece, written in early 2008.

"The Way Water Flows" by Ethan M.

Have you ever stood and wondered about the way water flows;

from the clouds, back to the ground,

through the Red Sea, and over waves.

But did you look as the water

flowed off your body onto your shower’s floor?

And as it flowed it had no control

of where it was to go. But you

shouldn’t be jealous because even without control

water still flows where you want it to go;

to the bottom of the sea to hide in darkness

or into the sky to bask in the heavens.

When I pound on your locked bathroom door

And can only here the drugs talk back, I know

you’re like the water conforming to a

different container, and as your mind explodes

I begin to loath you and who you believe

you have become.

I wish you could see that the water flows where only it can go;

deep in the ocean or within the clouds.

And you aren’t like the water.

You have control.

You know where you want to flow;

down the drain to a home, different than your own.

As you lay on your shower’s floor.

Water running off your body.

I’d like you to know,

I don’t want you to go,

where only the water can flow.

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